Tuesday, October 7, 2008

United States Is About to Enter the 21st Century’s Great Depression - and How to Survive

In 2005, Don Braby’s first book predicted the burst of the housing bubble and the unraveling of the national economy. Now his sequel, “The Greatest Depression of All Time” (http://www.theapproachingwinter.com), provides an updated view of the economic turmoil and tips on how the average American can withstand the coming “mega-depression.”

Despite choosing the title “The Greatest Depression of All Time: Will America Survive This Time & What Can You Do About It” (Create Space, September 2008, $15) for his new work, Braby is not trying to panic or demoralize readers. In fact, his goal is to help people prepare in order to survive a financial upheaval that he believes will surpass the economic disaster of the 1930s.

The book explains the causes of the upcoming “economic winter,” and also elaborates on the premise of his previous book: that the United States experiences major crises cyclically, with roughly six or seven decades between each crisis. “An easy way to looking at the cycle is to think of the crisis events as occurring approximately every 75 years,” said Braby.

As evidence of his argument, Braby cites the American Revolution (1775-1783), the Civil War (1861-1865) and the Great Depression (1929-1946). “I’m just a regular guy, but I have a different type of mindset,” he said. “I see U.S. history as repeating itself, although specific circumstances affect the type of crisis we have.”

Braby also devotes an entire chapter to ways in which readers can protect their families, though he cautions that success will depend on each individual’s situation. Among the jobs that he predicts will be available during the depression are positions in medical and healthcare fields, alternative energy industries and also the manufacturing, marketing and selling of security systems. He also advises readers to pay down debt and prepare for the lowering of wages during a deflationary period. The book also includes web resources where readers may find additional guidance.

“I try to think outside the box as much as possible,” said Braby. Moreover, after observing the public bewilderment surrounding the tightening credit market and the controversial bailout bill, he is presenting a special offer: 50 autographed copies of the “The Greatest Depression of All Time” are available to buyers for a discounted price of $11.99 while supplies last.

“This is extremely useful information, and people will want to share it with friends and loved ones,” Braby said. “Instead of lending someone their own book, readers can take advantage of this special offer and give the people in their lives a gift of an autographed copy while keeping a little extra cash in their pocket.”

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At July 29, 2009 at 7:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go, Braby boy!!!


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