Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How to Wage War and Win: Did God Get Glory Today?

New Book Teaches on Spiritual Victory; In her new book releasing nationwide, titled "How to Wage War and Win: Did God Get Glory Today?" author Mary Howell, of Cleveland, Ohio, writes about the spiritual warfare Christians face and how to victoriously overcome it.

Published by Tate Publishing and Enterprises, Howell's book encourages readers to take a stand against thoughts of defeat. Instead of defeat, she declares that Christians are to be a victorious army that can overcome every adversary. Howell also emphasizes the importance of knowing the weapons used for warfare in order to bring defeat.

The enemy has caused many to feel defeated, misleading some to believe that God did not give a rulebook for life. Believers are a victorious army, designed to overcome and subdue every adversity. Believers must become like David--determined that no one will dishonor God's plan for their lives. Like David learn How to Wage War and Win.

God's word declares that God has made all grace abound towards us so that there should be no lack in our lives. The bible in 2Corinthians 9:8 states:" always having all sufficiencey in all things." Having is past tense, which means that it is already set in place - already available waiting to be accessed.

The book is available at any bookstore nationwide or can be ordered through the publisher at, or by visiting, or An audio version is also available from the publisher.

Howell has been an ordained minister of the gospel since 1996 and was installed as Pastor in 2001 with Endued With Power Ministries. This is her premier book. She currently resides in Cleveland, Ohio.



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