Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Virginia Nygard's Debut Novel 'Deja Vu Dream'

Novel Combines Serendipitous Romance and Suspense with Influences of
Precognition and Visions

In "Deja Vu Dream," author Virginia Nygard weaves a tale of Jennifer Jenssen, a
young woman caught up in a life over which she believes she
has little control. Yet Jennifer learns to accept what she
cannot avoid or change, and makes the best of it. In doing
so, she is led to a love and a life she never imagined

"It's a story that will intrigue women from their 30s into
the Boomer years," said Nygard. She explains that the book
follows Jennifer, the main character, for several decades
beginning in her late 20s. Set in New York City and
Connecticut, where Nygard grew up, "Deja Vu Dream" begins
with a tragedy that brings two people together but returns
to alter the course of their lives.

Jennifer awakens from one nightmare to find herself facing
another - one she feels may be of her own making. She is
left wondering whether her husband's death could have been
avoided if she had heeded the powerful message sent through
a dream. Buried deep in Jennifer is anger for the curse of
visions she fails to interpret correctly, and secrets so
painful she has no memory of them. Don Summers provides the
support and strength Jennifer needs to grow beyond the pain
of loss ... but he is powerless to prevent her
confrontations with death.

In part, the character of Jennifer's mother is based on
Nygard's own mother and the forewarnings she experienced in
life. In more than one instance, the author's mother had a
premonition of someone's impending injury or death.

Reviewer Bettie Corbin Tucker praises "Deja Vu Dream,"
Nygard's first novel: "[S]he has done an incredible job in
providing all the ingredients for an exciting and intriguing
read ... There are compelling twists and turns in the
plotting that, combined with the author's skillful writing,
make it a must-read. I personally can't wait for the

Tucker won't have to wait too long, for Nygard is currently
working on the sequel: "Beyond Deja Vu."

"Deja Vu Dream" is distributed by Ingram Book Group, the
world's largest wholesale distributor of book products. The
book is available at,,, and at the writer's
own site where a signed copy
can be ordered.

About Virginia Nygard

Following two successful careers, first as a primary
education specialist then as an associate librarian, Nygard
now releases the long-suppressed writer in her soul. She has
published poems and letters in several newspapers as well as
creative pieces in Early Years magazine and The Good Apple
educational newspaper. Her poetry appears in A Concise
Treasury of Arkansas, Maryland, and Connecticut Poets and
Their Poems, published by The National Society of Published
Poets. She has written online book reviews for Amazon and is
currently working on a collection of short stories.



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