Tuesday, February 5, 2008

'Flower of My Hope'

Spanish Poems Tell Story of a Husband's Love for His Wife and His Agony at Her Passing

The new collection of poetry from the late Lorenzo Santiago Padilla, "Flor de mi esperanza: historia de un amor en versos" ("Flower of my hope: a story of love in verse") (published by AuthorHouse - http://www.authorhouse.com), is a life-affirming, yet heartbreaking, recollection of a husband's love for his wife and the agony caused by her passing.

Written entirely in Spanish, this posthumous publication of Lorenzo's romantic, lyrical poems speaks to a sublime love that gives way to feelings of solitude after the death of his wife, Flor.

Combining a simple style with a melodious, slow rhythm, these poems revisit the memories of two people in love, from their first date onward. As Lorenzo brings himself to reflect on Flor's death, he comes to a powerful conclusion: Love should be cherished purely and truly while it lasts because separation is unavoidable.

Consider this passage from "Sigo sonando y amando" ("I continue dreaming and loving"):
Pido perdon a mi Dios,
pido clemencia a mi amada,
Y al pensar en la escalada,
para llegar a su hogar,
prometo junto a ella estar,
cuando ya no hayan palabras ...

I ask forgiveness from my God,
I ask mercy for the one I love,
and when I think about the climb,
to come to her home,
I promise to be with her,
when there are no more words ...
Lorenzo Santiago Padilla was born in Patillas, Puerto Rico. He dedicated his life to serving others as a politician and as a cooperative and community leader.

"Flor de mi esperanza," his first book, is being published by his daughter, Aida, who plans on publishing more of his writings. "Flor de mi esperanza" does not include English translations.



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