Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Free Web Site to Authors Who Start the Publishing Process in February

BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Feb. 5, 2008 -- AuthorHouse(R) (http://www.authorhouse.com/) is again offering a free author Web site (http://tinyurl.com/29d7dv) to authors who enter an agreement to publish a book (http://www.authorhouse.com/ContactUs/Publish.aspx) with AuthorHouse in February.

"We've continued this offer because it was extremely popular with our authors in January," said Keith Ogorek, AuthorHouse marketing director. "Everyone has a book in them and now is the time to get that manuscript finished and put your voice in print."

The free author Web site includes tools for providing real-time news and events about the featured book, content control features like active blog posting, and a portal where readers can purchase and review the book. Additionally, AuthorHouse hosts the site for free.

"We've heard from many of our authors that their author Web site is one of their most effective marketing tools," said Ogorek. "In reality, a Web site isn't a luxury anymore; it's a necessity for effectively marketing your book."

AuthorHouse also is providing authors who choose the Standard Paperback Publishing option 20 free paperback copies of their completed book. Additional special offers are available to authors who want to self-publish (http://www.authorhouse.com/GetPublished/FAQ.aspx) children's books and poetry books.

About AuthorHouse

Headquartered in Bloomington, Ind., AuthorHouse is the leading provider of publishing and marketing services for authors around the globe, last year publishing one out of every 30 titles in the U.S. Since its founding in 1997, AuthorHouse has served the publishing needs of more than 30,000 authors and produced nearly 50,000 titles. AuthorHouse titles are available at more than 25,000 retail outlets worldwide, including Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com. For more information, please visit www.authorhouse.com. AuthorHouse is a brand of Author Solutions, Inc. (http://authorsolutions.com/).



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