Sunday, January 27, 2008

'Facing Fascism'

New Hampshire Activist Questions the Political Future of America in New Book

Sometimes to successfully look forward, you must first take a look back. Looking back at the 2004 election, including his own losing bid for a state Senate seat, author Jerry Sorlucco realized that something was fundamentally wrong in America. As he notes in his new book, "Facing Fascism: The Threat to American Democracy in the 21st Century" (published by AuthorHouse -, people across the country had voted against their own best interest. The Republican far right, relying in part on a Christian fundamentalist base, had "waved the bloody shirt" and used the so-called war on terror to instill fear in the electorate.

Sorlucco indicates that, with Republicans controlling both houses of Congress, President George W. Bush had the power to put in motion an agenda that rewards corporations and America's super rich while systematically undermining the nation's social safety net. The result, Sorlucco concludes, is a threat to American democracy that has all the earmarks of fascism, including class warfare, corporate collusion, erosion of civil liberties, militarism and religious nationalism. He cautions that while the Democratic Party made gains in the 2006 mid-term election, Democrats are as vulnerable as Republicans to the prerogatives of power. It is not a matter of political parties; it is about human nature, in which greed and power play an undeniable, if lamentable part.

Now, deep into the 2008 presidential election, "Facing Fascism" is perhaps more relevant than ever, as America decides what kind of government it really wants.

Against a rich historical backdrop, Sorlucco documents what he sees as the manipulation of America's worldview through ideological public policies that distort and mismanage the major issues facing the nation.

As one critic put it, "Backed by personal experience, thorough research and probing analysis, Sorlucco pulls no punches in this gloves-off challenge to the direction this country has taken."

A commercial airline captain for nearly 40 years, Sorlucco retired in 1997 at the mandatory age of 60. During his career, he served in various capacities as a representative of the Airline Pilots Association and as a check airman. A serious history student and prolific reader, he was drawn to public service after retirement. He also serves as a director on several community boards and is a leader in the northern N.H. Democratic Party.

"Facing Fascism" is Sorlucco's second book. His first, "A Good Stick," is a memoir about his life as a pilot (also published by AuthorHouse -



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