Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Is God Still Blessing America

New Book Traces Prosperity of United States to Biblical Times, Warns of Consequences to Come for National Sins

God blessed America. Is this just a slogan, or did God really ordain that America would be blessed with the greatest material and spiritual blessings of any nation on earth? In his new book, "God Blessed America No More" (published by AuthorHouse -, Arnold B. Ingram provides insight and understanding into how great material blessings from the Bible have enabled the United States to flourish in prosperity and wealth above any other nation in the world, and warns of what evils will come if America continues to deny God.

"God Blessed America No More" traces a direct line from the time God called Abraham out of pagan Mesopotamia to become the father and progenitor of untold blessings to how those promises currently affect the United States. The author reminds and warns readers of how those blessings and warnings from over 4000 years ago have been fulfilled - especially in America, Great Britain and Israel - and why they face great peril because of national sins and a growing desire to turn away from God:
How much longer will God wait? Read from the pages of His Word, outlined here. Discover how He has blessed our nation, how these blessings came about, and how He is now removing His divine hand opening the way for a national judgment that is rapidly coming upon us.
Scripture is used to prove that these prophecies and predictions are not solely the writer's opinion. Ingram uses the principle applied in the scriptures that "in the mouth of two or three witnesses truth is established." Therefore the truths recorded within the book are often quoted by more than one prophet. It includes the promises God made to all 12 tribes of Israel and the more specific promises and warnings He made to both the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah after they were divided, as well as details to coming events as recorded in the Bible and what can be expected as the current events unfold.

Arnold B. Ingram is a man who loves God and the Bible. Serving as a deacon for 52 years, he has studied and taught Old Testament prophecies for the past 45 years in a number of churches. His love of Scripture led to a deep passion to understand biblical prophecy and its relationship to history. He and his wife Hazel have been married for 55 years. Members of Ashland Avenue Baptist Church in northern Kentucky, both have served in numerous leadership capacities. "God Blessed America No More" is his first full-length book, bringing together a number of his shorter pieces, with an eye on current events and a wealth of new insights on old truths. For more information, please visit



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