Wednesday, January 16, 2008

'The K-9 Chronicles: Book Two' - Tomi's Story

New Book Written From Perspective of a Heroic Law Enforcement K-9

Join Tomi Krugel as he shares his adventures of working as a law enforcement cadaver dog for the New York Fire Department and the Los Angeles Police Department in his new book, "The K-9 Chronicles: Book Two - the journey ... the pack heroics continue" (published by AuthorHouse -

This book is the second in a series of six fictional books inspired by real-life K-9s and events in their lives. Each book focuses on the story of a different law enforcement K-9 that is scheduled to be euthanized, but then saved by Jake, a former LAPD cop with a mysterious and troubled past.

In Book Two, Tomi and his sister Maggie, Rhodesian-German Shepherd-Akita mixes, are left on the steps of a firehouse in the South Bronx one cold, snowy night. The firefighters take both puppies in and they soon become part of the firehouse family. Tomi and a firefighter named Kate grow particularly close. When Kate takes Tomi and Maggie to Lackland AFB to be trained as Cadaver K-9s, Tomi and Kate pair off for training and Maggie is placed with another trainer. After a while, Tomi loses track of his sister and begins to make Kate the main focus of his life.

While Maggie remains at Lackland, Kate and Tomi return to the firehouse as a team. Tomi eventually moves in with Kate and her boyfriend, Mac, and the three of them enjoy running together each morning. Then, one morning, the unthinkable happens: During their run, they look up and witness a plane being flown directly into one of the World Trade Center buildings. There is chaos all around as Kate, Mac and Tomi rush to the horrific scene.

The hideousness of 9/11 seems to blanket everything around Tomi. He has lost Kate and with her his sense of purpose. He is reunited with Maggie, but she too falls victim to tragedy that day, and Tomi decides to return to the South Tower to die with Kate. On his way, a human attempts to grab him and Tomi nearly makes a fatal mistake - while escaping the human's grasp, he bites him. Tomi is captured and taken to a vet hospital where he hears some of the humans discussing his fate and learns that he is to be put down. However, one of the attendants has befriended Tomi and arranges for him to be saved and sent to Los Angeles to be rehabilitated by "The Man Who Walks with Dogs."

Although he has experienced enough adventure to last a lifetime, Los Angeles is only the beginning of Tomi's amazing journey through life. Follow Tomi as he shares his story in his own words, introducing readers to the challenges of a life dedicated to serving others at all costs and a unique perspective of 9/11 and beyond that will inspire humans to see dogs as much more than just an animal.

"Dogs mirror image us - they do think, talk, reason and have feelings just as we do," writes Alan Krugel, the human who wrote down Tomi's story. "We have become partners in life. Dogs, however, always have to walk with one paw in their own dog world and one in our human world."



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