Friday, December 14, 2007

Project Blacksheep

New Book Tackles Challenge of Repairing and Rejuvenating a Corrupt American Society
'"Project Blacksheep" has been created to help repair our government and our Society. It will use the Constitution of the United States as its Sword so that "We the People" can return this Country to once again be the Strongest most Respected Country in the World instead of the Hatred it now receives. If only we could Join together as One we can bring about change.' - from 'Project Blacksheep'

A combustible mix of autobiographical screed and cultural examination, "Project Blacksheep: 'The Book of Burton'" (published by AuthorHouse -, takes a hard look at America (warts and all) under the microscope in the hope of saving it: "Our Government and Our Society is on a downward spiral. ... Our Country is no longer what it was dreamt to be but what our Government has let it become."

Written by "The Blacksheep," this book contains theories and ideologies that can save America. They are based on real-life experiences and a faith in "God and His incredible Love." Not that it's a smooth ride. As "The Blacksheep" puts it:
You are about to read the documentary of my life. It will take you through the depths of hell, chew you up, stick you through the grinder, and spit you out. It will Twist Your Mind in directions never imagined!
"Project Blacksheep" offers adventurous, uncommon solutions for the problems facing America, as evidenced by chapter headings such as "The Katrina, Stick & Tape Theory," "Red Blooded American Theory," "The Mouse Trap Theory vs. Our Governments Test on My Mind" and "The Quantities of Drugs I have used In My Life and The Effect They have had on my Mind Theory."

Drug abuse is a recurrent theme. "Project Blacksheep" teaches "what it takes to truly live a life free of substance abuse, and alcoholism." Of course, part of teaching is understanding, and readers will "hear, feel and see ... the sick and pathetic things people do as drug addicts, and alcoholics."

As an ordained minister and concerned citizen, "The Blacksheep" finds inspiration in both the Constitution and the Bible. The provocative ideas put forth in "Project Blacksheep" are sure to challenge notions of where we, as a society, are today, and where we want to be tomorrow.



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