Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Why Hillary Is Assured the Presidency

The Answer May Lie in New Novel 'Controlled Chaos'

Michael S. London's debut novel, "Controlled Chaos" is a political thriller that will enthrall fans of the genre as it weaves historical events into a tale of a global conspiracy.

In "Controlled Chaos" (AuthorHouse, $23.95), CIA agent Steven Michaels is assigned to the Bible Code Research team at the National Security Agency. Mysterious foes begin to hound Michaels, killing his ex-wife and child in a car accident meant for him. Later, a friend and colleague from the Vatican is murdered as well, but not before he sends Michaels evidence exposing the impending New World Order.

The evidence centers on the document plagiarized into "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion." The novel reveals the history of this literary forgery, both the elements taken from a nineteenth-century French satire as well as its more sinister roots in the Priory of Sion.

"The name of the novel relates to the secret cabal's practice of keeping everyone fighting among themselves while the cabal gains more control. Everything seems chaotic, but there's really a great deal of control over events, including some major elections," said London.

"This novel is basically two books in one," London continued. "There's the fiction story about Steven Michaels and then there are nonfiction facts about the world that very few people know - for example: who the modern-day Knights of the Round Table are; the disappearance of 11 nuclear bombs in the 1950s; and much more."

"Controlled Chaos" features little-known information about the Bible Code prophecies, the Roman Catholic Church and the Bildebergers. London also writes about a trio of secret societies termed "The Brotherhood of Death," consisting of The Skull and Bones at Yale, The All Souls Society at Oxford and The Thule Society, which was in Berlin.

"Some people are going to call me just another conspiracy theorist, but I encourage them to do their own research," London said. "If they opt not to, then I hope they enjoy the novel for itself."

Author Bio:

Michael S. London was a history major and political science minor in college. He spent years trying to make sense of what was happening in the world. Then in 1969, during a visit to Yale University, someone drew his attention to a small ivy-covered, windowless building and explained that the building was known as the Tomb, the home of Skull and Bones. Being the inquisitive type, London asked his host about Skull and Bones. The reply, in a hushed tone of fear, was that London did not want to know about what went on in the Tomb. That was exactly the wrong thing to say to him, and a 34-year journey began.



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