Thursday, November 1, 2007

'The Book of Life Questions and Answers'

A Intelligent,Empowering and Humorous book.

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 1, 2007 -- An instruction manual is
standard practice from cars to cameras, yet the presence of
a guide is regrettably omitted upon birth. Just as tourists
use a guidebook when visiting a new country, so too might
folks value a guidebook during their stay on Earth. Dr. M.
Erceg's "The Book of Life Questions and Answers" (now
available through AuthorHouse) is just such a manual.

"The Book of Life Questions and Answers" takes readers under
its wing for an inspiring, compelling behind-the-scenes tour
of the world, navigating the mentality which has given rise
to societal institutions, including parenting,
relationships, education, medicine and politics. Fusing
modern research and multifaceted insight with the ironies
and humor that are inexorably found in human behavior,
Erceg, who holds a Ph.D. in psychology, uses clear language
to reveal a world that is very connected.

"Amid the unrest in the world, an understanding of the
motives behind our actions is not so much a luxury as a
necessity," explains Erceg.

Timely and relevant, "The Book of Life Questions and
Answers" ties together the threads comprising society in a
way that is both applicable and comprehensible for the
reader. As the advent of reality television more than
indicates, humans are fascinated by one another. In "The
Book of Life Questions and Answers," the lounge-chair voyeur
is presented with a map to the mechanisms of the mind as it
is reflected 'round the globe, thus untangling and
articulating the complexity of human behavior.

Erceg has worked as a counselor in private practice for over
10 years and speaks on topics concerning human behavior and
global relations. She has been featured on the radio show
Seeing Beyond with Bonnie Colleen, and she hosts her own
television program, The Dr. M. Show, which airs in Los
Angeles on the Time Warner network.

Table of Contents


WHERE ARE WE? …………………………………………………………..1

WHO IS GOD? ………………………………………………………………..3


WHO ARE WE? ……………………………………………………………..20

WHY ARE WE HERE? ……………………………………………………..28

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE DIE? ……………………………………....33


Why do we have children?................................................................39

Who is this inner child?.………………………….………………………....41

Our relationship within; taskmaster-slave or parent-child……..………....41

The old patterns repeated; how the old parent model created

a war inside which naturally led to war outside……….……………….....43

The bottom line: Self…………………………….……………….……….....45

Table of Tactics; Following parenting tactics to their

natural outcome………………………………………….………….............47

Our feelings as parents……………………………………………………....52

What is discipline? …………………………………………………….........54


Violence and repression…………………………………………………......56

Repression in sex………………………………………………………….....58

Molestation and the role of repression…………………………………......60

Goals in parenting; What do we want?.............................................. .62

Reparations ….................................................................................63

Healing from childhood…………………………………………………….....63




Understanding the past; Past generation stories……………….………... 67

Why not just not come here in the first place to… …………….……......68

What now? After forgiveness, how do I... ………………….……….........69


What is a relationship? …………………………………………………….......71

What is marriage?................................................................................72

What is divorce?..................................................................................73

The one important relationship from which all other relationships


Cycle of behavior…………………………………………………………..........75

Why we would do to others what hurt us so much?.................................77

Who we attract…………………………………………………………….........78

Relationship dynamics……………………………………………………........79

Passive aggression…………………………………………………………......80

What is jealousy? ………………………………………………………….......80

Identity Theft…………………………………………………………………......81

What do we want from a relationship?...................................................81

Where is my soulmate? ......................................................................82

Communicating and clearing in relationships……………………………......82

Male and Female………………………….………………………………........84


Social face………………………………………………………………….....93


Judgment of emotion…………………………………………………....…...96

Transforming judgment into acceptance……………………………….…..97

Judgment of actions; Laws……………………………………………….....98

Why do we kill? ……………………………………………………………...98

The Death Penalty: Official Homicide……………………………………...99

What is trouble? …………………………………………………………....100

Judgment of appearance; Looks………………………………………..... 102

Core beliefs about looks and love………………………………………....104

Happiness based on looks………………………………………………...106

Money and fame…………………………………………………………....106

Why money, looks, and fame don’t bring us lasting happiness……....107

What is beauty? …………………………………………………………...108

Magazines: Fictitious Images………………………………………….....109


Tabloids; Where does our obsession to hurt and attack each other


Paparazzi …………………………………………………………………...111

Our dreams………………………………………………………………….113


Our judgmental, prejudiced, intolerant, imprisonment

consciousness creating war, murder, and holocausts………………. 118


Religion and war…………………………………………………………...123

Committing “bad” acts for attention and to elicit fear …………………124

The beginning of intolerance……………………………………………..125

What is the solution? What needs to happen? ……………………….126

What does all this mean about feelings and inner war? ……………..127

But isn’t repression good so that we don’t kill?...............................127

Will fighting and killing ever stop? ………………………………………128

I’m thinking of being tolerant, but I’m concerned I won’t have an

identity if I’m not against something. Who are we if we are not

against or in opposition to?...........................................................128

Opinion or Opposition……………………………………………………..129

Needing to be on top (different, separated from) due to… …….........130


Being examples of what we want to impart……………………………..132

Third charka…………………………………………………………………134


Learning to think, or inadvertently repeating past war and violence

by programming it into the minds of a new generation?....................136

Issues driving our educational format……………………………………137

Drugging our children……………………………………………………...138

More effective options……………………………………………………..138

Disconnectedness - a central theme lacking…………………………. 140

Intolerance and perfectionism in the classroom ……………………....141

Goals of education…………………………………………………………142



Medical Schools………………………………………………..………….148


Outlining the unfolding of a disease …………………………………….150

Personality traits…………………………………………………………..153

What about children who get diseases? ……………………………….155

AIDS walks, Cancer runs…………………………………………………157

We the soul/driver of our body/vehicle ………………………………….158


What about Genetics? ……………………………………………………160

Studies about genetics; Neural plasticity……………………….………161

Doctors and pharmacies…………………………………………………..163

Drugs and marketing ……………………………………………………...165

Our consciousness…………………………………………………………166


Depression ………………………………………………………………....168

Neurotransmitters and depression ……………………………………....169

Medication or Meditation…………………………………………………..171


The business of politics……………………………………………………178

The Father Figure: the symbolic representation in politics…………….178

Keeping and paying a client who doesn’t do what we want…………...180

Our client’s reaction: keep the customer by creating a need…………..181

Taking our power back……………………………………………………..183

But how can we get what we need without a dominating figure

ruling over us?......................................................................................185


The military………………………………………………………………….188

Misplaced Loyalty…………………………………………………………..189

Submission …………………………………………………………………190

Loyalty channeled more efficiently……………………………….……….192


The government-constituent relationship that we co-create….………..195

What can we do? ....…….………………………………………………….197

Healing powerlessness...…….………………………………….………....201



What is global warming? ………………………….……………………….206


Outer space………………………………………….………………………209


The anatomy of reaction………………………….………………………..214

Example of clearing……………………………………………………...…215

In closing ……………………...…………………………………………….218



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