Friday, December 7, 2007

'Crimes Against Humanity' : A Real USA

New Book Presents Devastating Critique of the Violence and Exploitation Present in U.S. Foreign Policy

In his new book, "Crimes Against Humanity: A Shocking History of U.S. Crimes Since 1776" (published by AuthorHouse -, Chaitanya Dave fearlessly goes where few dare to tread. Dave presents indisputable, in depth, factual accounts of numerous invasions, assassinations, subversions, coups and sabotage perpetrated by the United States on foreign governments, and he reveals the actual motivations behind these crimes, unlike what is reported in the compliant media.

According to Dave, few Americans realize how the United States operates globally. In its greed, hubris, and lust-driven march toward world domination, it has trampled, crushed and killed millions of innocent, impoverished people both at home and abroad, from slavery and the genocide of Native Americans to the quagmire of Vietnam to the present.

Dave asserts with irrefutable logic and overwhelming evidence the real U.S. global agenda: to make the world safer for exploitation by U.S. corporations. This entails destroying the populist movements in other countries and replacing them with puppet military dictatorships or compliant governments that do their bidding, opening up their countries for exploitation by the U.S. corporate interests.

Incisive questions bring the issue into focus. Why were two nuclear bombs dropped on Japan when it was ready to surrender? Who killed Jaime Roldos of Ecuador, Omar Torrios of Panama, Lumumba of Congo, and Che Guevara, and why? What are the real reasons for the first Iraq War, Desert Storm, and the current Iraq War, Operation Iraqi Freedom?

This devastating critique of U.S. foreign policy lays out the utter folly of an ignoble policy of constant wars, interventions, treachery, bribery, deceptions and assassinations in other nations, thus planting the seeds of future disasters for the people of the United States. "Crimes Against Humanity" concludes with an alternative, non-violent vision for the use of U.S. power and a call for education and action on the part of concerned citizens.

Chaitanya Dave, born in India, is a U.S. citizen who has been living in the United States since 1966. "Crimes Against Humanity" is his first book.



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