Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Holy Exchange: A Vision

“This vision was given to me for the benefit of all those who read it,” author Penny McCoy writes in the introduction to her new book, “The Holy Exchange: A Vision” (published by AuthorHouse -

I pray it will give understanding and help you know the possibility of freedom from any bondage you are in. I hope this book will give a greater depth of insight to your heart and be a tool used to draw you into the fullness of what God has for you. And God has for you a place of wholeness according to his truth and the eyes of his Spirit, rather than the way the world sees or the way that religion would seek to chain my life and yours.

“The Holy Exchange: A Vision” explores McCoy’s vision in great detail, emphasizing the future of the relationship between God and “worldly wealth.”

“This vision is for all of you who leave God out of your lives and seek after fortune, fame, money, possessions, or any other false god to fill your void and give you life, power and position,” McCoy explains. “We are in the day of God’s justice and voice upon the earth. The days are becoming dark and hope is waning, but God is alive. As it was in the beginning with miracles too lofty for us to imagine, so too those miracles will be performed once again.”

“The Holy Exchange: A Vision” also includes several poems, which McCoy describes as “prophetic messages from God,” not her words but those she hears God speak. The following excerpt is an example:

Destiny is calling and will not let go
The fertile ground you are planting
Is the heart of your soul
The seeds you are planting
Are what you reap and grow
So guard well your heart
For out of it
Is where issues of life grow
As the sun gives the smile
To the sky
True wealth grows as a legacy
And becomes a dynasty of its own
So move along now my children
Destiny is calling - fear not the unknown

Penny McCoy is the co-founder, owner and C.E.O. of Penny’s Gang Records. She is also the author of “Winning is Everything, But … ” (published by AuthorHouse -

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