Thursday, May 1, 2008

Soul of a Woman

New Book Reveals the Injustice of an American Woman's Struggle with Homelessness

WASHINGTON, May 1, 2008 -- In her new book, "Soul of a Woman" (published by AuthorHouse -, A. Rose presents a message of hope: It is possible for those imprisoned in poverty - and perhaps pre-conditioned to a criminal life - to break free of their debilitating circumstances without resorting to crime. Unlike the false and patently cruel plagiarism of fake-memoir writers such as Margaret B. Jones (Love and Consequences) or Misha Defonseca (Misha: A Memoire of the Holocaust Years), stark images of veracity are singed into every page of "Soul of a Woman."

"Soul of a Woman," told through the eyes of a child, traces the true journey of an American woman, dispossessed and struggling to survive through decades of poverty and homelessness. Her shining emergence from the depths of destitution, a stubborn social ill still fertile in the world's richest country, is a lesson in resiliency and hope for all those seeking freedom from the prison of poverty.

In a single year, more than 3 million American citizens will experience homelessness at some time, according to Rose. "Many are single-parent families and veterans," she writes. "Some cities are now criminalizing both their efforts to survive and the heroic attempts of Good Samaritans who try to help these unfortunate local refugees. Various municipal authorities are even making it a crime for people to congregate en masse, specifically targeting poverty-stricken groups that draw strength from each other.

"Constitutional lawyers are more qualified than I to argue on the apparent violation of the civil rights of this defenseless civilian population. However, thinking citizens with common sense and basic human decency need merely reflect on the words etched in stone on the Statue of Liberty."
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
"A passive, uncaring world turned away from over 6 million victims of the Holocaust," Rose writes. "Let us not emulate such a callous indifference to the suffering of millions - those within the borders of the world's richest country - our own people within the United States of America."

A. Rose is the pen name for the author, who wishes to bring an awareness of the tragedy of homelessness to the fore of America's consciousness. All proceeds from the sale of this book will go to charities focusing on the homeless and the defense of children. "Soul of a Woman" is A. Rose's first book. More information is available at

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