Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Traveling Towards Death: Preparing for a New Life
Death may be the last taboo in our society, but Philip and Darlyne intend to tear down the walls.

This book is the result of daily writing over the past year, as they clarified and expressed their feelings about Darlyne's impending death and Philip's loss. In an extraordinary reception of direction they decided to share their feelings with the public – an unusual and powerful decision.

They speak clearly, cry openly, and dance for the joy of being alive. Darlyne brings to this endeavor over thirty-five years as a special education teacher, speech pathologist, workshop leader and hypnotherapist.

Philip's background is that of a commercial ship-to-shore radiotelegraph operator for over 30 years at the RCA coastal marine station KPH on the PT. Reyes Peninsula in California. He and his colleagues communicated with ships at sea, world-wide through the use of Morse code.

Together, Darlyne and Philip have created a compelling, deeply personal and educational portrait of regular folk living life after one has received a terminal diagnosis.

"In our society, death is rarely talked about. It is usually looked upon as something to fear – to be avoided, no matter what the cost. The subject is dark, depressing and terrifying. We have written a book that gives an alternative perspective on death."
~ Philip & Darlyne

"In this book, I have described my own experiences in preparation for my own death. I give another way of looking at the process, which is a very natural and necessary part of life.

Our book demystifies death. It does so, not only from the experiences that I share, but also from the perspectives of many others."
~ Darlyne



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