Tuesday, September 11, 2007

'Is the Bible a Time Capsule?'

Author Discusses Bible's Relevance to Present Times
Sonia Sadr-Panah illustrates how the Bible's teachings and prophecies are playing out in current events and encourages readers to return to "the ultimate book of truth" in her new book, "Is the Bible a Time Capsule? Is Time Almost Up?" (now available through AuthorHouse).

"Whether we are aware of it or not, God is in charge of what is happening on the entire Earth, even now," says Sadr-Panah. "He is letting sin run its full course on Earth and things will get progressively worse as time goes on. The good news is that it will all end with the triumph of good over evil!"

Sadr-Panah emphasizes the necessity of referring to the Scriptures in order to tune into God's message regarding current and future events. "Everything he's ever spoken of through his servants, the prophets and the apostles about Jesus' First Coming came to pass just as he said," she writes. "The prophet Ezekiel prophesied the rebirth of Israel, which took place in 1948 amid much controversy and opposition ... and the prophet Isaiah and others, in great detail, describe the 'Great and Terrible Day of the Lord,' with uncanny similarities to events that are starting to take shape today!"

In her book, Sadr-Panah encourages readers to dust off their Bibles and challenge themselves to identify nations, peoples, beliefs and conflicts arising in the world's panorama and to find out what prophecies are still awaiting their fulfillment. "The Bible is absolutely as relevant today as when it was written. ... We know the beginning, and God's plan for mankind is still unfolding as we live and breathe!" she says.

"In a world that has lost its way and is in the constant pursuit of the next 'ultimate experience' to fill that nagging void that plagues the human soul, you don't need to go far to get answers," Sadr-Panah writes. "Why get unreliable and biased information from human sources when you can tap into the divine source of all origin, of every existing thing to know the only true and living God."

Sadr-Panah first understood salvation through Jesus Christ when she listened to a set of teaching tapes at the age of 37. Since then, she has studied the Scriptures, listened to other teachings and read many books on the subject. Sadr-Panah felt an especially strong pull toward the End Time prophecies as she observed world events line up according to the Scriptures. Through her book, she hopes to express the accuracy of the Scriptures and God's plan for mankind. "Is the Bible a Time Capsule?" is her first book.



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