Tuesday, September 11, 2007

'They Created Us': Special Education, Medicaid, EPSDT

A Family's Journey Through a Bureaucratic Maze!

In "They Created Us" (now available through AuthorHouse), author Denise Mercado describes her family's journey through the world of disability. She details the complexities of the bureaucracy along with strategies to maneuver through a sometimes unresponsive system.

"They Created Us" is the story of Mercado's son, Danny, who was diagnosed with Hflu meningitis at six months of age. The family survived this difficult time, but after the storm passed, they assessed the damage and realized that their son would have severe disabilities. It became apparent that outside support would be needed in order for the family unit to remain intact and to allow the opportunity for their son to reach his full potential. Although the family made their needs known to both school and medical personnel, it took 11 years to uncover the availability of home services and another two years before they were implemented.

While the Mercados began their journey trusting that the school system and Medicaid has their son's best interests at heart, the painful truth was slowly revealed. Mercado discovered that both systems lacked the monitoring and accountability necessary to make them effective. The author learned to ask hard questions and to fight for equality using a special training program, Partners in Policymaking. Through this program, they were challenged to research, study and pursue justice, not only for their son, but for all children with disabilities.

Through this inspirational and informative book, readers will learn about the complexities of Medicaid, special education, EPSDT (Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment) and independent case management, all of which become part of a family's world once their child experiences a disability. They Created Us will guide readers through this difficult maze of bureaucracy, help them to uncover injustices, and allow the opportunity for basic rights to be realized throughout systems that were put in place to help disabled children. Mercado vows that the fight for equality will continue until all children with disabilities are provided the support they require.

Mercado is an honors graduate of Campbell University. She also graduated from the first North Carolina Partners in Policymaking Program (1993) and the national Project Leadership Program (2002). Over the years, Mercado has held several positions throughout the disability arena. She is presently co-owner of a North Carolina Medicaid provider agency that shifts control of Medicaid dollars to individuals with disabilities through fiscal intermediary and employer of record services. Mercado and her husband, John, have established Team Daniel, in honor of their son, who continues to inspire them both to stand up for what is right. For more information, visit their web site at http://www.teamdaniel.info. "They Created Us" is Mercado's first book.



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