Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Insurance Warrior Offers Rx to Make Insurers Pay

Cancer survivor Laurie Todd fought her health insurer's
denial of care and won; she now offers a battle-tested
10-step plan to help others fight back when insurance won't

The U.S. healthcaresystem is focused on controlling costs by denying care. This
industry-wide posture causes everything from financial ruin
to death. And yet the medical care that cost $1 million
dollars in 1970 would cost at least $16 million today.

Recent cancer survivor Laurie Todd has come to the rescue of
patients nationwide. With her new book "Fight Your Health
Insurer and Win: Secrets of the Insurance Warrior," Todd
shows ordinary people how to get insurers to pay their fair

Diagnosed in 2005 with appendix cancer, Todd was told by her
doctors that post-operative treatment wasn't necessary, and
that her condition was manageable. Todd's research suggested
otherwise. The 57-year-old Washington native discovered a
proven but expensive combination of surgery and
chemotherapy, but was told by her oncologist, "There is no
treatment for your disease. And, even if there were, they
wouldn't pay for it."

Ms. Todd worked tirelessly to appeal her insurer's decision.
First, she consulted with the world's expert on appendix
cancer. She then spent two months building her case -
studying insurance law, gathering proof, and analyzing
lawsuits against health insurers. Todd succeeded in getting
her insurer to fully cover her lifesaving treatment, which
totalled $345,000. Her share? Nine dollars.

Throughout 2006 Todd helped dozens of people, pro bono, to
overturn denials of care - never losing a case ... many
insurers, many conditions, all over the country. Seeking to
spread the gospel further, Todd secured the backing of a
major cancer research foundation to publish "Fight Your
Health Insurer and Win."

Todd offers a 10-step plan for finding the best treatment,
then bringing your insurer onboard. Her tips include:

-- Push the insurer to deny your treatment in writing
-- Address your appeal to the right decision-maker, with
copies to other important people who will check on him
-- Disqualify all unqualified insurance doctors
-- Supply precedent
-- Conclude with the cost comparison



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