Monday, September 17, 2007

Early Diagnosis of Cancer in Children

New Book Helps Early Diagnosis...

The Cure Our Children Foundation, a nonprofit charitable foundation dedicated to children, announced today the availability of its new book entitled Prompt, Accurate Diagnosis of Pediatric Cancer and Leukemia for Pediatricians, Orthopedists and Family Practitioners. "Early diagnosis of cancer has received much attention and resources for many years, but this is the first time early diagnosis of children with cancer has received national attention and priority.", states foundation President Barry Sugarman. This book provides doctors with the tools and training needed to overcome political, social, insurance, and medical barriers to detecting and rapidly treating children with cancer. It has long been known that early diagnosis and treatment of adults with cancer increases the chances of survival, and the same holds true for children.

Pediatricians, Orthopedists, and Family Practitioners are often the first health care providers to see children with cancer and leukemia, diseases which are relatively rare. The information on early detection of the signs and symptoms provided in this book is a very important step toward better survival rates. This book, which culminates several years of foundation research on the topic provides all the tools and understanding needed by physicians to promptly and accurately diagnose pediatric cancer and leukemia.

Key elements of this book for doctors who see children in their practice include:

-- Definition and causes of delayed diagnosis.
-- Diagnosis, common misdiagnoses, and most common symptoms.
-- Evaluation and Diagnostic flow charts and tables.
-- X-ray images and information charts.

The book is available from all book dealers under the ISBN No. 978-1-4303-1175-1. Limited copies are available free from the foundation to qualifying practicing physicians.

The Cure Our Children Foundation identifies important under-researched children's issues and devotes extensive resources to educate and guide parents, professionals, government and the public. The foundation website at receives thousands of website visits every month. The results of the research are provided as a public service, and are supported by donations to the foundation. The foundation has a number of other research projects underway that will continue to benefit children and families.



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