Thursday, April 30, 2009

Short Stories Highlights Children’s Prayers and How They’ve Been Answered

CHARLOTTE, N.C.— Does God answer prayers? If so, does he pay special attention to those in need? Do children’s prayers reach God’s ears? In her new collection of short stories, “Answered Prayers” (published by AuthorHouse), Freddie Power sets out to prove that God does answer prayers - particularly the prayers of those less fortunate than others - and has blessings for all of us.

Power drew inspiration for “Answered Prayers” from the Bible study groups she leads for residents of inner-cities including Burlington, N.C., Chapel Hill, N.C., Concord, N.C., and even Native American reservations in the Midwest. In these study groups, children gather to learn the Bible from Power, and she teaches them to pray. “They all want to pray for their families,” she writes. “Then we watch the most incredible things happen as these children’s prayers are answered for their families. For example, two little girls prayed for one year that their father would get off drugs. That father is not only off drugs now, he has gone to Bible College and is a pastor.”

With titles that speak for themselves like “Saved Just In Time,” “Elbow Healed,” “Hand Pain Gone” and “Nursing Home Healings,” the short stories in Answered Prayers provide hope and inspiration. In “Elbow Healed,” Power writes about a Concord, N.C., grandmother’s answered prayer:

We prayed this short simple prayer together, that by the power of the Holy Spirit her elbow would be healed and there would be no more pain. Immediately, she felt her arm was healed, so I had her do something she couldn’t do before without the pain coming. As that grandmother began to shake her arm and bend it, she exclaimed, ‘Glory to God! Glory to God! That pain was so terrible before, and now it is gone.’ This spirit-filled woman gave her testimony of how God came to heal and he does amazing healings!
Freddie Power has traveled to more than 20 countries performing missionary work, ministering to the poor, needy and widowed. She is a wife, mother of three and grandmother of seven. When she is not traveling with her missionary work, Power reaches out to inner-city children through Bible clubs held within their apartment communities. “Like the Energizer bunny, I will keep going and going and going as long as God prepares the way, whether it is to local neighborhoods or nations across the world,” she writes. Power is also the author of “Changing the World for Jesus One Child at a Time,” “Visions: God Speaks” and “Testimonies” (all published by AuthorHouse).

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