Monday, March 23, 2009

Stress is Silent Killer

‘Thus I Became Stress Free, Oh Really?’: Systematically Manage and Optimize Stress to Improve Productivity, Happiness
GARDEN CITY, Mich., March 24, 2009 — Consider how these outlooks could free you from stress:

Things change if you change the way you look at them.
Problems, most of the times, are only are in our head.
“Thus I Became Stress Free, Oh Really?,” a new book by Balram Joshi (published by iUniverse), can improve your outlook and capability to manage your stress and improve your productivity and happiness. Written from the inspiration Joshi experienced from learning and practicing very simple things, his desire is to share simple techniques for solving a perceived complex problem. Joshi outlines how being stress-free is not a static state. Life is dynamic, and so is your state of mind. And stress is directly related to the state of mind. Joshi notes that the mind keeps getting affected day in and day out by numerous ongoing incidents. But with practice, you can continuously stay in a state of least stress.

Joshi wants to emphasize the importance of identifying if you are stressed as he terms stress as the silent killer. Joshi discusses how to identify if you are stressed, stress as the silent killer, how stress in small amounts is actually good for you, possible scenarios contributing to stress and probable solutions, stressors including family, materialism, ambition and expectations; stress-relievers, like faith and forgiveness, that are suitable for different personalities; and stress-relieving yoga. Read the first chapter at

About the Author

Most of Balram Joshi’s career has been administrative and managerial, working for his own business, government and private companies. He has lived in 10 different states, in India and then in Africa. He is a U.S. citizen currently living in the U.S.A. Joshi holds a Ph.D in Coordination Chemistry which complements his capability to study, analyze and resolve a problem and then present its solution in an organized and effective manner.

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