Monday, February 16, 2009

‘Showdown on the Frio: The Good and the Evil’

Implementing his experience as having been a parole and probation officer, author Calvin Bowden weaves a suspenseful story about a victim who has to confront her rapist again in order to survive in his novel “Showdown on the Frio: The Good and the Evil” (published by iUniverse).

Having learned about the different levels and types of criminal behavior while witnessing the shortcomings of state and federal criminal justice systems, Bowden took his real life experiences and decided to fictionalize them in his novel. Protagonist Helen Kipling’s testimony sent the serial rapist and murderer to prison, but his escape brings him back to the ranch where she lives. Kipling must stop her psychopathic stalker, if she can break free from her paralyzing fear.

In his novel, Bowden also makes readers look more closely at their feelings regarding rape. Wearing a skimpy bikini, was the victim asking for it? Should the victim react by fighting and risk being severely beaten or killed, or give in to the rapist? What are the long-term effects of being a rape victim? Readers are also asked to consider the theory of the defense counsel who utilizes the three basic principles of the human personality, the id, ego and super ego, in the defense of the rapist.

Gripping and entertaining, “Showdown on the Frio” reflects Bowden’s findings on the traits of honorable people struggling to defeat evil while preserving values and rules of behavior that offer the best of hope for a life of purpose and harmony.

About the Author

Calvin Bowden worked for many years with juvenile delinquents, adult criminals, law enforcement officials and members of the state and federal judiciary as a parole/probation officer. He lives with his wife in Nacogdoches, Texas and writes a column for The Daily Sentinel. He is the author of the novel “Voices from a Far Field.” Find out more about the author at

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