Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Telling Holocaust Story

A Perilous Journey of Love and Faith - A Memoir

Holocaust accounts usually revolve around the persecution and eradication of the Jewish people, but there are others who also suffered greatly under Hitler’s tyranny; however, their sacrifices and experiences have seldom been chronicled in World War II accounts … until now. Lizzi and Fredl Steiner were Catholics who did not escape the horrors of the war, while Fredl’s account finally answers why the atrocity of the massacres at Oradour-sur-Glane occurred.

World War II scholarly books could only speculate why a Nazi Panzer division destroyed the town of Oradour-sur-Glane by exterminating its citizens, including women and children, and for years the reason has remained a relative mystery. Fredl, however, in sharing the story with his son and author Dr. William B. Stanford, gave an account by an eyewitness who managed to escape and share the horrors of what had been done to his town.

Awarded both Editor’s Choice and Publisher’s Choice by iUniverse, “Lizzi & Fredl” is a story elucidating that France had concentration, internment and labor camps thought mostly to exist in Germany. This memoir is also a love story of unconditional devotion and resilience between a happily married couple whose lives were disrupted by a seven-year nightmare. It took many years for Dr. Stanford to get his parents to share their stories and once they did it was apparent to him that they had not even revealed their individual horrors to each other over the years. From a long, arduous journey to Paris to Fredl’s unbelievable rescue from a train bound for a Nazi death camp, “Lizzi & Fredl” delivers a remarkable true story of courage, faith, and overwhelming love.

About the Author

Dr. William B. Stanford is a practicing optometrist in California. He has been married for 37 years and has two daughters. “Lizzi & Fredl” is the biography of Stanford’s parents, Lizzi and Fredl Steiner. visit the author’s Web site at:

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