Thursday, December 4, 2008

‘Devil’s Interval’

A Literary Roller-Coaster with Hitherto Unseen Takes on Class and Race Relations in America

The writer F. Scott Fitzgerald once said, “Let me tell you about the rich. They are different from you and me.” In Nelson Canton’s new novel, “Devil’s Interval” (published by iUniverse -, the rich are not only different but also hilariously funny. They are part of a gallery of grotesques on a literary roller-coaster.

Indeed, the laughs, the drama, and the many takes on class and race relations are unrelenting in this comic novel about a streetwise character named Watt who lives in Harlem with his grandmother, a renowned voodoo priestess.

Watt’s job is to administer “slap therapy” - technically calibrated, therapeutic body slaps - at Dr. Otto Von Geber’s Treatment Center for those suffering from Chronic Millionaire Burnout (CMB). Millionaires (and billionaires) afflicted with CMB search in vain for a purpose, feel that life is meaningless, and can’t trust a soul. It’s a little-known disease; however, because if it ever became common knowledge that wealth and power are such difficult burdens to bear, it could undermine the global economy, raise the stakes on poverty, and possibly lead to worldwide depression.

When one of Watt’s richest patients dies during a therapy session, Watt becomes an instant fugitive, hiding in New York City haunts from Harlem to the posh Sutton Place. All the while he is pursued by Jehoover, the ruthless and merciless Old Testament police captain who has sworn to kill Watt.

This gutsy New York novel moves seamlessly between the worlds of the rich and the poor, highlighting the comedy and tragedy that bind the two and, indeed, all of us together.

About the Author

Born and educated in New York City, Nelson Canton is a freelance writer who has worked as a writer and book reviewer for Time Magazine, a corporate speechwriter, and a writing and literature instructor. Currently, Canton lives and works in the Washington, D.C. area. “Devil’s Interval” is his first novel.

“Devil’s Interval” is available from:,, and

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