Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hearts of Stone

New Book Shares Prophetic Dreams, Urges Readers to Follow God’s Plan
In kate’s new memoir, “Hearts of Stone” (published by AuthorHouse -, she chronicles her prophetic dreams and urgently informs the readers of the need to heed the Godly message behind them.

From a young age, kate has had dreams that she cannot reason away as figments of her imagination. She is convinced, because of the prophetic nature of these dreams which predict events two weeks into the future, that they are visions from God. As a child, kate did not understand these dreams, and as an adult, she cannot recount them to others without condemnation.

“Hearts of Stone” chronicles the various dreams that kate has logged into a journal. Her earliest dreams involved an angel that would come up behind her, whisper into her right ear, and tell her messages to pass on to the world. Those messages would be followed by a prophetic vision. She has had dreams about the end of the world and AIDS; most importantly, they carry a message of peace. kate is earnest in her belief that her messages should affect everyone equally, regardless of religious affiliation. She writes:

There are many religions and many years ago God told me in a dream to take off my visors so I can understand. I did take off those visors. I stopped looking at one religion and I read them all. I found that they all say the same thing. Love God and love one another. We have fallen away from Gods messages when He gave the world religion. Now is our chance to find God once again. There may be many religions but there is only one God. If God thought we needed many versions of His laws then we should accept His decisions as the right decisions instead of trying to make our brothers conform to our beliefs. Our ways are not Gods ways, nor our thoughts Gods thoughts. These messages come from my God. I do not want anyone thinking I want them to change their religion or beliefs because of what I say. We all must find God in our own way, through peace. Without peace in your heart you shall never find God. Yet that is the hardest peace to find. I can spend a life time looking for God but if I do not have peace in my heart I would not find Him if He were standing right before my eyes. Hate blinds us.

kate shares these insights and many others in “Hearts of Stone,” speaking God’s truth through her own voice. “Though I have given the world messages for the past 30 years, no one is listening. No one has heard,” writes kate. “["Hearts of Stone"] is to wake everyone up. Shake them into consciousness. God is speaking to us once again and we should be listening to what He is saying.”

For more information, please visit

Hearts of Stone is kate’s first book.

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