Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wheat-Free, Gluten-Free Options for Healthy Living

When gluten-free cook, mother and author Theresa Santandrea-Cull compiled her latest recipe book "No Wheat? No Way!" she included 10 years of research into wheat-free and dairy-free dishes and desserts. Her book, now available for download online, is an assortment of delicious recipes especially crafted without the use of dairy or wheat.
In "No Wheat? No Way!", readers learn how easy it can be to bake with gluten-free flours. Santandrea-Cull shares healthy recipes for almost any food, from pancakes to pizza. Her scrumptious treats include:

-breads, loaves, waffles
-Yorkshire pudding, tea biscuits and scones
-cakes, muffins and cinnamon buns
-pies, tarts, fruit crisps and cobbler
-lasagna, sauces…and so much more

Book contributor and naturopathic doctor Dr. Dawn Cormier-Hazen, N.D. affirms that the most common food allergens are dairy products and gluten grains.

"It is estimated that 80 percent of our diseases are directly related to the food we eat on a daily basis," says Cormier-Hazen, who wrote the forward to 'No Wheat? No Way!'. "Anyone can attain better health by identifying, then avoiding his or her particular food allergens."

Challenged with preparing totally gluten and dairy-free meals, snacks, and desserts for her twin boys for the past 14 years, Santandrea-Cull has found the secret combination of gluten-free flours that yield delicious baked goods every time. Through trials and tribulations, she attributes a positive transformation in their behavior and well-being to baking with non-gluten grains.

"No Wheat? No Way!" is available for download through the website. Also, on the No Wheat No Way website visitors will find tips and tricks to cooking without gluten or dairy, additional recipes, an Ask The Chef segment, testimonials, and much more.

About Theresa Santandrea-Cull )
Theresa has been wowing crowds with cooking demonstrations at local health food stores where gluten-free products are readily available. Grocery chains are quickly jumping on board the gluten-free train and most now carry gluten-free ingredients.



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