Monday, October 13, 2008

‘Best Investment Is a Wake-up Call’

While the stock market continues to plummet, and you are watching your retirement shrink to its lowest point in five years, you don’t have to suffer a complete loss. Bryan Hurlbut, author of Making It Count: Putting Meaning Back in Business and Relationships (ISBN 1-934454-13-3, Synergy Books) encourages people to “Use this experience as a wake-up call. Have you strayed away from your most valuable investment? Focus on your family and friends during trying times. Lost money, increased debt and potential or real loss of retirement funds should not devastate you. There is much more to life than finances. We have valuable assets in our relationships that need encouragement, nurturing and security. The best investment you can make now is in a wake-up call because its dividends will continue to pay off well after this crisis has passed.”

Bryan Hurlbut covers topics of life, business and relationship in Making It Count with the hope of rebuilding the lost honor, value and meaning in his readers’ lives. “It’s never too late to adjust your thinking. When your life is near its end, your friends and family will be the only things that matter - money will not be a thought. Only those that you’ve helped and hurt will be on your mind.”

To help you through this current mess, Hurlbut offers the following steps:

Get your eyes off yourself. Others need you. You need others. Focus on those around you and give to their needs - whether emotional or financial. Yes, make good self-preserving decisions. However, once you have shored up your dam, offer to help on someone else’s.
Do not quit. No matter what the outcome may be, no financial loss or trial is worth giving up. Ride it through. When the dust settles, you will still have a future that can be more enjoyable than your past.
Have faith. Believe in something intangible. Now is a great time to exercise this often unused gift. Just because you may not be able to see what lies ahead doesn’t mean it’s bad. Have faith. Invest in your relationships today and see what valuable thing comes out the other side of tomorrow.
Making It Count is available through Amazon, Baker & Taylor, Barnes & Noble, Borders, Ingram, and at fine bookstores nationwide.

About the Author

Bryan Hurlbut resides in Salina, Kan. with his wife Mary. Together they have two children, Landon and Abbie. A business owner, consultant and the manager of a human services outreach program to at-risk families, Bryan invests his skills and talents in helping people set their focus for life. Today, Bryan continues to pursue speaking opportunities to get the message out that our best life is ahead if we make every decision count. You may contact Bryan Hurlbut at

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