Friday, December 21, 2007

New Book Reveals Secrets to Effective Leadership

'Cracking the Code to Leadership,' by Atlanta coaching experts, focuses on the how-to's of leadership

The secrets of how to lead are revealed in "Cracking the Code to Leadership," a new book by the team that coached over half a million people all over the world in the intuitive skills of leadership.

The authors - G. Thomas Herrington, Patrick T. Malone and James Georges - for the first time share their secrets about the intuitive skills leaders use and explain to readers how to put those skills to use to become more competent, capable leaders themselves and influence others to take action.

"Cracking the Code to Leadership," scheduled for release in January, retails for $17.95 and will be available at and on the web site .

The book, the first in a series of how-to books planned by the authors, is filled with practical examples and exercises developed by the PAR Group, an Atlanta-based leadership and training consulting firm. Herrington and Malone are Senior Partners of The PAR Group and Georges is the CEO.

"Effective leaders, from the assembly line to the board room, exhibit clear, definable skills every time they lead," says Malone. "Our book identifies these skills that leaders repeatedly use and then demonstrates how readers can make the skills part of their everyday lives."

"Instead of talking about the what's and why's of leadership, we actually show people how to lead, something other leadership books fail to do," says Herrington. "We filled 'Cracking the Code' with real-life, practical examples and exercises similar to ones we use in our PAR training programs, so we know they work and they deliver sustainable, measurable results."

The purpose of the book, according to the authors, is to give readers the how-to tools they need to hone their skills so they can accomplish more at work, at home and in their communities.

"The leadership skills revealed in our book," says Georges, "are based on research by Nobel Prize winner Herb Simon, on years of observing leaders in action in all walks of life, and on our own leadership experiences."

Herrington spent over 10 years with IBM in operations, training and sales management; Malone has 35 years experience in management with the American Greetings Corporation and The Scott Companies; and Georges oversees PAR's worldwide training operations.

About the PAR Group

Headquartered in Atlanta, and founded in 1979, The PAR Group ( ) has successfully coached over 500,000 people, from CEO's to customer service representatives, on how to influence other people to take action. As a result, The PAR Group is recognized as an international training and consulting leader with strong, long-term relationships with companies all over the world, including Barclay's Bank, Coca Cola, Delta, DuPont, Fort Dodge Animal Health, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Merrill Lynch, Quaker Oats, Southern Company, Thomas Cook and Verizon.


'The Messianic Legacy in the Age of Aquarius'

Forty Years Later, Famed Author Releases Follow-up to Her 1969 Bestseller
KAPAAU, Hawaii, Dec. 21, 2007 -- Ever wonder what the Constellations of the Zodiac convey esoterically? Ever wonder how Freemasonry relates to the mysteries of ancient Egypt and the founding of America, or where Jesus was for the 20 missing years of biblical history? Wonder no more, because "The Messianic Legacy in the Age of Aquarius: Jesus, Redeemer of the World's Soul" (published by AuthorHouse -, the long-awaited new book by Celeste, Ph.D., addresses all these ponderings and many more, unraveling history's mysteries through the correlation between biblical prophecy and astrological prediction.

The author of the 1969 bestseller "Astrology, Mythology and the Bible" (Avon Books), Celeste brings readers a unique perspective on the new and spectacular "Age" coming to be after 6,000 years of spiritual blindness.

"The Age of Aquarius ushers in times of great religious, philosophical and spiritual renewal essential for the soul's journey towards the attainment of Immortality," writes Celeste. "We are now experiencing a religious renaissance that will bring the 'coming of the Messiah Jesus' to the forefront of everyone's mind, especially here in America, but also to the entire world."

Celeste felt compelled to write this inspiring book when, after many years of research, she experienced a miraculous vision from the Archangel Michael. In the chapter regarding this vision, Celeste tells of the amazing incident. She was able to astral travel to the Great Pyramid of Egypt "in less time than it takes to think of it." There she witnessed a myriad of metaphoric symbols, the answers to which she has dedicated decades of research and prayer.

Written in a simple and straight-forward style, "The Messianic Legacy in the Age of Aquarius" seeks to reach people from all walks of life, not to teach them to be astrologers, but to understand the correlation of biblical prophecy and metaphysical concepts inherent in the 12 signs of the celestial Zodiac.

"This profound knowledge of the Ages will enable the reader to become a highly enlightened soul ready for the spiritual journey of a lifetime," writes Celeste.

The author hopes that her second book will reach out to people just as the first one did, elevating the human spirit and providing hope and truth.

"It proves once and for all that Jesus Christ is the True Messiah, the Son of God," Celeste writes, "for only Jesus is portrayed in the Zodiac as the Redeemer of the World-soul, and no other Messiah or Son of God is described. The new Testament then becomes a fulfillment of the Old Testament beyond all doubt."


'Women: DOWN through the Ages'

New Book Is a Light-Hearted Romp Through the Tragedy of Civilization Under the Thumbprint of Men

The equality they'd known and enjoyed for 1000s of years in the hunter-gatherer period came to an end in the agricultural revolution. Men invented a plow too heavy for women to push (they made sure of that), and they began their long sojourn in the kitchen making food and babies. - from 'Women: DOWN through the Ages'
LONG BEACH, Calif., Dec. 21, 2007 -- Jerry Schaefer takes a bite out of some truths (lies) that have gnawed at him for years in his new book, "Women: DOWN through the Ages: How Lies Have Shaped Our Lives" (published by AuthorHouse -, a satirical, uncompromising look at what it means to live in a man's world.

"This book is a clear and unequivocal indictment, not only of men (written by a man), but of the civilization they have produced," Schaefer writes.
By eliminating women from the equation at the very beginning, a disastrous cycle of war and destruction was begun which continues to today, when the final bill is being paid on men's wanton reign of destruction: the planet itself is beginning to wobble. Not to mention the continuing violence and rape from one end of the globe to another, another fringe benefit of "progress."
Schaefer exposes the lie of so-called civilization based on male dominance. "How 'civil' can it be," he asks, "built as it was/is on theft through blood and forced slavery?"

But women are not the only victims. Men too are trapped in the "charade of the sexes," having to pretend at who and what they are. Even the "most powerful" men, their testosterone-obsessed quests running riot, are helpless to escape the "manhood trap" as they substitute money for mommy.

"Women: DOWN through the Ages" is a light-hearted romp through the tragedy of history under the thumbprint of men, "a nightmare we've yet to awaken from," Schaefer writes. "We're still in a deep-sleep of tradition, lulled by the enslaving and enchanting tricks of the marketplace. There's still hope. We know how we got here, through false promises and premises, and the lies that sustain 'life as we know it.'"

Jerry Schaefer has master's degrees in Catholic theology from Marquette University and in English from the University of Iowa. "Women: DOWN through the Ages" is his first book.


Saturday, December 15, 2007

A Piece of Peace for Mommy

Taking a Zen approach to motherhood brings abundant rewards, as explained in MOMMA ZEN. This new book by Karen Maezen Miller contains lessons that show women how to de-stress and delight in their new role. see and listen more about this new amazing book...


Inside the mind of the married men

Husbandry....Sex, Love and dirty Laundry


Friday, December 14, 2007

Flaws in Wall Street Business Model

The Book Wall Street Doesn't Want You to Read: Author Exposes Flaws in Wall Street Business Model, Provides Insight to Avoid Being Scammed

As a top-producing Wall Street stockbroker for 20 years at some of its largest firms, Bruce Fleet has had the opportunity to see everything - the junkets, the incentives, the sales strategies, the product preferences and most of all how customers are treated. Part memoir, part financial education, his new book, "Demystifying Wall Street: Shedding a Little Light on the BULL!" (published by AuthorHouse - will empower and entertain readers with an inside look at how Wall Street operates.

Past experience as a car salesman allowed Fleet to uncover many similarities between selling cars and selling stocks, mainly the role of incentives. The book reveals a perspective that is often lost on consumers: Salesmen, whether of stocks or cars, are paid to sell products. At the end of the day, they work for the manufacturers of those products; therefore their interests are never aligned with the buyers.

A whistle-blower's story, the book will show readers how Wall Street's business model is designed to exploit rather than enhance buyers' finances:
Despite the bull, the advertisements and all of the lip service, stockbrokers can never be the trusted advisers they pretend to be. If they were, and put clients' interests ahead of their own, they'd be broke. Yet, the average income of stockbrokers is several hundred thousand dollars and can stretch into the millions.

I explain how this then translates into a lifestyle trap for Wall Street stockbrokers, how they have to produce, produce, produce to maintain their lifestyles ... Managers want brokers to get nicer cars, buy bigger houses. They hold out carrots at the office too - corner offices, secretaries, trips - all in a design to keep brokers in the firm's nest, doing their bidding.
Rife with information, including charts, tables and graphs, "Demystifying Wall Street" is meant to be used as a resource guide - a resource guide that tells a story. From financial planning to product choices to risk management, the book serves as a survival guide to provide investors with the knowledge necessary to fend for themselves in the investment jungle.

Bruce Fleet is a veteran of Wall Street firms, having worked in the investment industry for over two decades, training hundreds of financial advisors and lecturing to thousands of investors. He earned his Certified Investment Management Analyst designation and Investment Strategist Certificate at the University of Pennsylvania, via the Investment Management Consultants Association. "Demystifying Wall Street" is his first book.


Red Flow by John Horning

Imagine a lone village nestled high in the Sierra Nevada Mountains where women of all ages hold mystical power over men who venture within their boarders. Imagine having passed through this secluded town never remembering you were ever there or what you did while visiting. Join Eric an outsider, as he confronts this matriarchal clan and their conspiracy to dominate mankind.

About the Author

John Horning former schoolteacher holds a Bachelors of Science Degree in Art from Loma Linda University. He lives in peaceful Southern California suburbs of Mission Viejo with his wife Wendy and their three cats. He is widely known as the Story Teller at several local churches. He enjoys sculpture, watercolor painting, oils and enameling jewelry. He holds several patents and consults as an engineer for various technology companies.

A shiny, late-model Volvo quietly pulled into the deserted high school parking lot. A cold winter’s wind blew heaps of late October’s curled and crinkly red, yellow and brown leaves across the frosty asphalt. Torn fragments danced hither and yon like dark minions.

Sybil Carter got out of her car quickly. She’d been a teacher for over fifteen years, was in her early forties and no more than five-three in her high heels. She had streaks of gray running through her thick and curly brunette hair, making her look considerably older than she was.

She’d been teaching for the past two years here at the Greenville Academy for Girls, though this was her week off from teaching. She hastened along the sidewalk, which ran the length of several classrooms. She noticed that all the drapes on the windows were shut. The school looked abandoned—but it should be; after all, the students were supposed to be home helping their parents with the monthly harvest of the extremely rare and valuable mushrooms that grew in the nearby moist and dreary caves, located in the meandering Northern Sierra Nevada mountains. Hundreds of these nocturnal fungi ripen every month, and are carefully collected by the families of Greenville. The mushrooms are cleaned, sorted, weighed, and boxed. Many countries’ most expensive restaurants paid a handsome price to have these indescribably tasteful pancake-sized mushrooms added to their most gourmet cuisine.

Sybil knew she was taking a chance coming here; the school board had expressly forbidden her from entering the school grounds during the third week of every month, harvest time. Since this was the townspeople’s major source of income, besides a little tourism money that trickled in from time to time, all the students were expected to participate in the lucrative trade.

Sybil quietly opened the frosted-glass front door with her master key, and then peered around its edge to see if anyone were watching. Confident no one was there, she slipped sideways through the opening. Once inside, she quickly tiptoed toward her office passing the Academy girls’ large glass trophy case. Often she wondered how such a small school could have so many gold medals and first place ribbons in sports, especially baseball. She pulled a large set of keys from her purse, being careful not to make any noise. She struggled to insert a shiny brass key into her deadbolt lock. It had trouble going in; a week before she’d bent the key opening a can of paint with it.

Suddenly she heard a young girl's moaning voice coming from the assembly room down the hall. Sybil jerked the key from the lock, then crept toward the eerie noise. The school board had told her that the girls didn't attend school when she was gone; they were supposed to be home helping with the harvest, so she naturally wondered what was going on. She had witnessed many strange things about these students of hers. She chronicled them in a personal diary that she had hidden away. Soon all her suspicions would make perfect sense.

She walked up to the double doors of the assembly hall, and gently put her hand on the left door handle. She opened it just enough to see inside. On the stage was a young girl propped up with overstuffed pillows on a portable hospital bed. Seated next to her on a short stool was the school board chairwoman Grace Stone, and to her left was her daughter, Rebecca.

The entire student body was sitting in the well-cushioned orange-colored theater-style seats that faced the stage. Everyone was wearing some kind of full-length see-through red chiffon gown. Sybil recognized the student on display, Veronica Allen; she had graduated a year ago. She wasn't wearing a dress like everyone else. Instead she had on a pink-flowered hospital gown that ended just short of her bare knees. She was obviously pregnant and her legs were spread apart.

Grace Stone spoke to the girls in the audience, her voice strong with authority. “As you girls can see, Veronica has twins inside her, as all the women in our clan do when they conceive. Soon you’ll see the blessed absorption ritual, which is the moment the female fetus absorbs the male in its first feeding. But to begin with, we must feed as well.”

A woman emerged from the floor through a lift in the middle of the stage, the kind actors use to rise triumphantly into the spotlight. She was bound and gagged, dressed like one of the seasonal backpackers that frequented the area. She wore bright yellow, thick knee-high socks gathered at the bottom, and stuffed into lightweight green hiking boots, and the standard Gortex camouflage climbing shorts with a tan and green and yellow-ochre matching top. A beaded Indian headband wrapped around her short hair. She was very tan, very thin and very short. Ms. Carter thought her to be around thirty years old. The woman was confined by an old-fashioned and frayed straightjacket. Her feet were secured to the floor with metal straps. She struggled in vain to free herself. Even though the young woman was twenty yards away on stage, Sybil could see the panic in her eyes.


Project Blacksheep

New Book Tackles Challenge of Repairing and Rejuvenating a Corrupt American Society
'"Project Blacksheep" has been created to help repair our government and our Society. It will use the Constitution of the United States as its Sword so that "We the People" can return this Country to once again be the Strongest most Respected Country in the World instead of the Hatred it now receives. If only we could Join together as One we can bring about change.' - from 'Project Blacksheep'

A combustible mix of autobiographical screed and cultural examination, "Project Blacksheep: 'The Book of Burton'" (published by AuthorHouse -, takes a hard look at America (warts and all) under the microscope in the hope of saving it: "Our Government and Our Society is on a downward spiral. ... Our Country is no longer what it was dreamt to be but what our Government has let it become."

Written by "The Blacksheep," this book contains theories and ideologies that can save America. They are based on real-life experiences and a faith in "God and His incredible Love." Not that it's a smooth ride. As "The Blacksheep" puts it:
You are about to read the documentary of my life. It will take you through the depths of hell, chew you up, stick you through the grinder, and spit you out. It will Twist Your Mind in directions never imagined!
"Project Blacksheep" offers adventurous, uncommon solutions for the problems facing America, as evidenced by chapter headings such as "The Katrina, Stick & Tape Theory," "Red Blooded American Theory," "The Mouse Trap Theory vs. Our Governments Test on My Mind" and "The Quantities of Drugs I have used In My Life and The Effect They have had on my Mind Theory."

Drug abuse is a recurrent theme. "Project Blacksheep" teaches "what it takes to truly live a life free of substance abuse, and alcoholism." Of course, part of teaching is understanding, and readers will "hear, feel and see ... the sick and pathetic things people do as drug addicts, and alcoholics."

As an ordained minister and concerned citizen, "The Blacksheep" finds inspiration in both the Constitution and the Bible. The provocative ideas put forth in "Project Blacksheep" are sure to challenge notions of where we, as a society, are today, and where we want to be tomorrow.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Reality of Pregnancy in Sub-Saharan Africa

Author Shares Truth About Pregnancy in a Region Where 1 in 16 Women Die from Complications

Pregnancy - Typically, it is an event in a woman's life that calls for happiness. There is great joy in anticipating the arrival of a new baby into the world, and it is usually an uneventful experience, especially in the Western world. When problems do happen to arise, help is readily available.

But this view of pregnancy stands in stark contrast to many of the experiences in the Sub-Saharan region of Africa, where pregnancy is a source of great pain and suffering for the vast majority of women. Dr. Benjamin Ogbonna reveals the truth about a situation where 1 in 16 women die from complications of pregnancy in his new book, "Pregnancy: A continuing source of sorrow and pain for women in Sub-Saharan Africa" (published by AuthorHouse -

Drawing upon his experiences with the subject on three continents - Africa, Europe and Asia - Dr. Ogbonna, brings maternal deaths in Sub-Saharan Africa to the front burner, sparing no detail. Written with the general public in mind, "Pregnancy" uses as little medical terminology as possible due to the importance of reaching a wide audience.

"It should make an interesting reading for people in the western world to enable them to full appreciate what is happening in other places," Dr. Ogbonna writes. "For people in Sub-Saharan Africa, it is a book that is intended to rouse them from their protracted slumber to enable them to appreciate that there is a problem that needs urgent attention."

Dr. Ogbonna discusses the various causes of maternal deaths and possible solutions to the serious problem. He seeks not only to educate the women in the region about the reasons why many of them die in pregnancy and how to avoid such deaths, but also the region's elected leaders. The book acknowledges the efforts of charitable organizations around the world who have been actively involved in reducing the pregnancy-related fatalities in the region, while calling for more help from pharmaceutical companies in order to provide affordable drugs to fight the ravages of HIV infection.

Dr. Benjamin Ogbonna earned his medical degrees from the University of Nigeria Medical School in 1975, and interned in the United Kingdom, leading to membership in the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal College in 1996 and an associate member of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in 1999. He is also a Fellow of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada.


Abortion, Atheism, Pornography Mark Routes to Jesus, Heaven, God

New Christian Book Explores How Salvation Road Includes Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, Hot-Button Topics Like Homosexuality, Gambling, Alcohol, the ACLU and Evolution

Michael M. Murray's provocative new Christian book, "52 Paths to Heaven: Discover How Simple Joys and Tough Times Shape Your Journey" (published by AuthorHouse -, shows how people discover Jesus through friendships, poems, churches and the Bible as well as crime, TV shows, terrorism and global spirituality.

"You could meet Jesus after hearing the Gospel or by praying," says Murray. "But just about any experience can help draw someone to Jesus. You need to sin before you know you're a sinner."

If God can speak through a donkey, a burning bush and dreams in the Bible, "he can be just as creative in other ways too," Murray says. Topics in "52 Paths to Heaven" include:

-- Alcohol
-- Catholicism
-- Euthanasia
-- Marriage
-- Movies
-- Nature
-- Racism
-- Suicide
-- Terrorism

"With nasty attitudes and endless arguments, some Christians give Christianity a bad name," Murray says. "However, it all comes down to this: Have you somehow encountered Jesus and owned up to your sins? Your circumstances may cover everything from pure delight to selfishness."

In addition to personal accounts, the book shows how sin-stained, hate-mongering pastors blow homosexuality out of proportion and why sensitivity should prevail; suicide demands mercy and doesn't disqualify Christians; calamities help us become dependent on the Lord; pornography ruins lives, but God has a rescue plan; and world religions other than Christianity fall short of God's demand for the perfect sin sacrifice.

For more than 20 years, Michael Murray has taught the Bible to children, organized spiritual retreats, discipled men, served in a hospice home and supported social justice organizations. He earned a journalism degree at Kent State University and worked in newspapers before becoming a marketing executive. He frequently speaks at national conferences in his field. Michael lives in northeast Ohio with his family.


Friday, December 7, 2007

'Crimes Against Humanity' : A Real USA

New Book Presents Devastating Critique of the Violence and Exploitation Present in U.S. Foreign Policy

In his new book, "Crimes Against Humanity: A Shocking History of U.S. Crimes Since 1776" (published by AuthorHouse -, Chaitanya Dave fearlessly goes where few dare to tread. Dave presents indisputable, in depth, factual accounts of numerous invasions, assassinations, subversions, coups and sabotage perpetrated by the United States on foreign governments, and he reveals the actual motivations behind these crimes, unlike what is reported in the compliant media.

According to Dave, few Americans realize how the United States operates globally. In its greed, hubris, and lust-driven march toward world domination, it has trampled, crushed and killed millions of innocent, impoverished people both at home and abroad, from slavery and the genocide of Native Americans to the quagmire of Vietnam to the present.

Dave asserts with irrefutable logic and overwhelming evidence the real U.S. global agenda: to make the world safer for exploitation by U.S. corporations. This entails destroying the populist movements in other countries and replacing them with puppet military dictatorships or compliant governments that do their bidding, opening up their countries for exploitation by the U.S. corporate interests.

Incisive questions bring the issue into focus. Why were two nuclear bombs dropped on Japan when it was ready to surrender? Who killed Jaime Roldos of Ecuador, Omar Torrios of Panama, Lumumba of Congo, and Che Guevara, and why? What are the real reasons for the first Iraq War, Desert Storm, and the current Iraq War, Operation Iraqi Freedom?

This devastating critique of U.S. foreign policy lays out the utter folly of an ignoble policy of constant wars, interventions, treachery, bribery, deceptions and assassinations in other nations, thus planting the seeds of future disasters for the people of the United States. "Crimes Against Humanity" concludes with an alternative, non-violent vision for the use of U.S. power and a call for education and action on the part of concerned citizens.

Chaitanya Dave, born in India, is a U.S. citizen who has been living in the United States since 1966. "Crimes Against Humanity" is his first book.
