Thursday, October 8, 2009

Entertaining New Novel Follows Mystery of Silver Cups

“Cellini’s Revenge” to Be on Display at Frankfurt Book Fair’s Combined Book Exhibit
BERKELEY, Calif., Oct. 8, 2009 — Follow one woman as she seeks to exonerate herself from a brutal crime in the pages of “Cellini’s Revenge” (published by iUniverse), the new mystery novel by Wendy Bartlett that combines intrigue, suspense and history.

In 1956, American Catherine Evans returns home to find that her English husband, David, has been murdered. When her fingerprints are discovered on the knife lodged in his side, she is taken to trial and spends the next 12 years in Holloway prison.

Decades later, in 1995, when Catherine is 65, she learns of new DNA technology that is exonerating many criminals wrongfully convicted. She leaves her home in Vermont and heads back to England, determined to prove that she had nothing to do with David’s death.

Upon arrival at her previous hometown of Rottingdean, Catherine teams up with several allies — including the son of a woman in jail with her, to uncover the identity of the true killer. In the process, six silver cups are discovered in her old home, half of a valuable set that is engraved with the 12 astrological symbols.

The silver cups turn out to be an integral part of Catherine’s investigation. However, a sinister man begins to follow her with the intent of procuring the entire set of cups, which are quite rare and valuable. Flashbacks to 16th-century Italy chronicle the creation of the cups and how they were stolen from their creator and passed along through the centuries.

Full of twists, turns and surprises, “Cellini’s Revenge” is sure to entertain readers of mystery novels and both general and historical fiction. Follow Catherine on her intriguing journey in the pages of this engaging new book.

“Cellini’s Revenge” will be featured at the Combined Book Exhibit at the annual Frankfurt Book Fair, held in Frankfurt, Germany, on Oct. 14-18, 2009. The event boasts 6,600 exhibitors and more than 300,000 attendees from 101 different countries.

About the Author

Wendy Bartlett has published two novels, “Cellini’s Revenge” and “Broad Reach” (both published by iUniverse). She won runner-up for “Cellini’s Revenge” in 2007 at the San Francisco Writer’s Conference and several of her poems were published in their anthology that year. Bartlett is a world traveler and lived in London for 13 years, receiving her education there from the ages of 14 through 27. A folk singer and painter, Bartlett has been writing since age 12.

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