Tuesday, September 23, 2008

From Inner City Chicago Kid to Creative Inspirational Writer

Author who once started college at age 16 to get out of inner city publishes poetry of real-life experiences and emotions from a unique perspective
Chicago native Aaron J. Dowdell has done what many told him he couldn’t because he’s an inner city kid raised in the most imperfect environment. He published his first book in 2003 then revised it in 2006 on Lulu.com

Whether it was waking up at 3am almost every day, driving a forklift at work, or sitting in a classroom full of kids learning as a Youth Counselor, the words poured out with no regard of time, space, or location. He wrote on invoices, receipts, and during walks around campus or the mall. Once it turned on, it couldn’t be turned off.

Gerry B. Ullrich Jr. comments: “In a world that is cynical, self-centered, and cold, Aaron’s words will stir up long dead emotions and bring comfort to your soul.” The title is called The In Zone and each chapter consists of the most universal topics of life (Love, Hope, Departure, Friendship, etc. …) and within each chapter are “pieces” that are carefully written to connect to the chapter and the reader. Some pieces give advice, talk about the unspoken bond we share, and others describe what it feels like to be “at peace” or cared for. The “IN” of the title represents where the creativity of written expression lies. The goal is to go beyond being an author who wrote a book and be an artist who uses words to paint emotions.

Aaron was destined to do great things at a young age. Growing up in a single-parent home, in a gang-infested place statistics show are next to impossible to succeed; age 21 was when the pen was picked up with a purpose. 110 pages and 23 weeks later the book was completed and the journey of writing continues.

The book offers the understanding of heartfelt emotions and was designed for the reader to connect with that understanding with every word written with an in-depth style and flow all its own. It also serves as an addition to an already established foundation of people’s homes. View excerpts and purchase a copy of The In Zone - Feelings, Expressions, and Insights From Within by visiting http://www.lulu.com/content/441817.



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