Monday, September 10, 2007

The Beginning Is the End, the End the Beginning

Woman Reveals Visitations by Angels Who Foretell the Return of Jesus
Almost daily the world is witness to catastrophic occurrences, which begs the question: What is happening? Could it be Armageddon, as prophesied in the Book of Revelation? Author Bernetha George recounts her amazing encounter with the divine, and the knowledge she received, in her new book, "Words From Awaki: The Third and Final Covenant" (published by AuthorHouse -

Many take for granted the litany of daily atrocities and frightful events we live amongst: war, global warming, AIDS, West Nile Virus, bird flu, salmonella in peanut butter and cantaloupes, E. coli in spinach and hamburgers, "super bugs" infecting hospitals. "Man's inhumane slaughter of man over religious ideals, greed for power and control of the earth's natural resources is our reality," George writes. "Threats of annihilation of mankind by use of nuclear technology is our reality."

But George's experience goes deeper. From Nov. 3, 1995, through May 15, 1996, a small group of people in Baltimore, Md., became witness to an unbelievable celestial phenomenon: the visitation of angels.

God's most high angel, Awaki, commandeered the body of a man named Nathaniel and spoke through him on many occasions, as would other angels. Nathaniel's cousin Thomas was charged with the task of keeping Nathaniel open to and accepting of different angels literally taking over his body. Over the course of those months, the angels visited more than 40 times and communicated with more than 50 people. "I attended one group session on March 30, 1996, and it has taken me ten years, since having had my personal experience with them, to bring forth to you all that I know about all of the sessions," George writes.

"Words From Awaki" is George's true, personal account. "Every word written from the angels is an absolute fact: every word written as a quote from them is a word that they said, exactly as they said it; incorrect English and all," George writes.

The divine message? That Armageddon has already begun, and thousands of angels are preparing the Earth for the return of Jesus.

George is a licensed physician in Baltimore, Md. She has been on a spiritual quest since becoming a physician in 1978 and discovering that science alone did not have answers to explain the fleeting existence of life. Her quest has led her to numerous workshops, seminars and lectures on spirituality, culminating in the experience that allowed her to write "Words From Awaki." More information is available at



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