Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Economy’s Effect on Older Workers

American jobs are vanishing at a rapid rate in today’s dismal economy. Job bias claims have been hitting record highs while jobless markets continue to flood the nation, forcing millions into unemployment and underemployment. John K. Hulett seeks to draw attention to age discrimination in the workplace and how the current shortage of jobs is affecting older job-seekers in his comprehensive new book, “Age Discrimination: An Epidemic in America Affecting People of All Ages” (published by AuthorHouse). “Experience and wisdom are two qualities that come with age and they cannot be purchased or degreed, gifted, nor substituted for youth, greed and ignorance,” Hulett writes.

Hulett, a 55-year-old businessman and graduate student of theology, weaves personal experience with extensive research and political discussion. “Age Discrimination: An Epidemic in America” chronicles five failed investigations prompted by Hulett’s lawsuit claiming age discrimination. Hulett details how the government participated in these investigations and how large corporations are protected from employee claims because of their close relationships with many government agencies. He also thoroughly examines the correlation between today’s deep recession and age discrimination.

Hulett is hopeful that “Age Discrimination: An Epidemic in America” will call attention to this important issue and spark an essential debate among politicians. He writes:

President Barack Obama spent most of his career fighting to build stronger civil rights as a civil rights attorney in the U.S. Senate for the State of Illinois. My hope is that he expands his civil rights agenda to include all areas of discrimination (race, color, origin, age, gender, religion, and disability). Perhaps one day President Obama will find a moment in his busy schedule to address one of my many emails, faxes, and letters sent over the past six months? After all, discrimination has a lot do to with this economy including affordable healthcare, livable wages, affordable housing, fair credit, and putting all Americans back to work. No man or woman should have to study case law or maintain high levels of wealth in order to defend his or her rights in the workplace.
About the Author:

John K. Hulett has more than 35 years of experience in the fields of sales, marketing, new product development, territorial expansion for manufacturing, wholesale distribution and retail promotion. He has managed company branch locations and corporate divisions at the regional and national level. Hulett has also spent time as a small business entrepreneur, developing numerous business and marketing plans, securing multiple patents, trademarks and trade names. He has a bachelor’s degree in business management and certificates in marketing, small business and human resource management. “Age Discrimination: An Epidemic in America Affecting People of All Ages” is his first book.

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