Sunday, January 25, 2009

LAUNCH!...Get That First Paycheck In 90 Days

In a survey of 19,000 college students by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, the willingness to work overtime and travel on weekends matched, almost exactly, the responses of 1982 students.

But today's seniors expressed indignation with online applications, video conferences and job boards -- career devices that didn't exist in 1982 -- as impersonal. And most career quizzes and career counseling books typically fall short in terms of really helping college graduates find their first job.

However, "There's never, ever been a career quiz that ranks your skills against college seniors nationwide," claims 'LAUNCH!...Get That First Paycheck In 90 Days,' "and then turns your unique strengths into a smart career path."

The career counseling book is now available at to help college seniors and recent graduates successfully begin their careers. It offers job-finding secrets that too few students know about - because no other career counseling books reveal them. LAUNCH! includes:

- A career quiz that shows how the student's job skills and attitudes compare to college seniors nationwide, and what career paths their unique traits suggest.
- How to find job openings before they're advertised.
- How to triple resume responses.
- Proven networking tactics.
- How to interview better.
- Why and Craigslist are time traps for recent graduates.
- How a weekend project can make the student a top candidate for their chosen position.
- Finally, LAUNCH! outlines a 90 day schedule for getting that first job.

If downloaded from the website in PDF format, this 339 page career counseling book costs $8.63 -- less than the price of a pizza. It's also available as a paperback book (for $16.23 - free shipping), an audio CD set (for $21.33 - free shipping), or a downloadable MP3 audio book ($11.74). An unusual money back guarantee is included -- if any college senior doesn't discover a new job search tactic, boost their resume responses, or learn something about themselves that they didn't know before; they get their money back plus one dollar.

"Unlike those fuzzy lectures and expensive textbooks or seductive student loans, this helps graduates actually find that first job," says LAUNCH! author Gary Sutton, a retired CEO who's been involved in advising, hiring, and firing countless employees during his lengthy career.

"This may be the most important book a college senior ever reads," added Dr. Linda Charles, clinical psychologist and former UCLA staffer.

Anxious students and their nervous parents can even sample the guide before buying by reading a few pages or listening to a brief audio clip at

The career assessment quiz in LAUNCH! can also be taken online at It tells college seniors if they'll do better in large or small organizations, among other things. The quiz ranks students' energy, ambition, ethics, status needs, social abilities and fifteen other vocational traits. Results are translated into the best career path.

"Wow! That job quiz nailed me. Without those insights, I'd be waiting tables again," said one Drake grad.

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Kingdom Seeker

Self-Proclaimed Saint Vindicates Christianity, Argues for an End to Judaism and Islam

In his new book, “The Kingdom Seeker: The Diary of Saint Thomas the Divine” (published by AuthorHouse -, Tommy Francis Adams introduces a collection of writings that is no less the revelation of an amazing life than it is a revolution in Christian theology.

“The Kingdom Seeker” is a book that on one hand serves as a serious vindication of Christian faith, while on the other hand serves as the greatest treatise ever written in justification of Jewish Law, yet presents a case against Judaism and Islam.

Labeled a madman, although completely self-possessed the whole time, for claiming to have been killed on the streets of Queens, N.Y., and resurrected (he has two bullet holes in the back of his head), Adams’s life languished until Feb. 3, 2005, when he indirectly predicted the record-breaking hurricane season of that year, which came to pass six months later. Adams argues that he would have to be God because he knows even as he is known.

This prophecy ushered in a spiritual transformation. Among other claims, Adams asserts that he has the highest IQ on Earth, is the greatest athlete pound-for-pound behind Jesus and God and is considered the greatest black man ever to walk the earth.

Adams challenges the current view of the Christian theological establishment, claiming that only the sanctified, like himself, are justified, and that these are Jews, and that if you weren’t a perfect Jew, especially in Jesus Christ, you did not earn salvation. And his proof of God’s existence - based on two connections between science and religion, one of which Sir Isaac Newton almost found over 500 years ago - aims to end atheism once and for all.

“Likely the only truly accurate history of the world since 1984 by the chief architect of the Kingdom of God on earth, ‘The Kingdom Seeker: The Diary of Saint Thomas the Divine’ is a definite ‘must read’ book for everyone who takes life seriously and that realizes the enormous importance religion has in it!” Adams writes, adding that the only way to create value is to preach the Gospels to the Jews.

“The Kingdom Seeker” is replete with Scriptural references, and it reproduces the original letter written by Adams that ended both Judaism and Islam. The book also includes his takes on socio-economic inequity, how to recognize God, manhood and womanhood, abortion, the solution to poverty, gay marriage and homosexuality, loving one’s enemies, obedience, parenting, and the Middle East, among other topics. It even includes his favorite jokes.

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Why Your Pet Wants You to Read Trust Me: I’m Not a Veterinarian

Jim Schwartz’s New Book Is a Self-Defense Manual for Animal Guardians

Your animal buddy can’t read it. Your vet may not read it. But you can read it for your pet - and that may save your pet’s life.

That’s the reason Jim Schwartz wrote the book:

to save one dog at a time;
to stop harmful over-vaccination of our pets;
to question common vet practices that may harm your animal companion;
to describe an insurance plan that will reduce “economic euthanasia”;
to propose a legislative approach to saving companion animals;
to raise some ideas about pet care that you may be taking for granted;
and to respectfully suggest some ways you might tell if your pet is ready to check out of your world.
Is this a controversial book? Heck, yes! Will vets like it? Only if they are open to some ideas not taught in vet school. Will pets be glad you read it? You betcha.

Would local veterinarian associations object to a favorable review? Probably. Would this book appeal to media who don’t mind generating some controversy, as long as it’s well-documented? Yes.

Author Jim Schwartz says, “Should you care what interest-conflicted vets think? Not if you care for your pet. The point is that if you have pets you should read this book on their account - to improve their health and lengthen their lifespans.”

In “Trust Me: I’m Not a Veterinarian!,” Schwartz has created what amounts to a pet owner’s self-defense manual, offering advice on everything from pet cremation to up-to-the-minute facts on controversial pet vaccination practices and the frequent life-threatening or fatal results vaccination can have on older animals.

Experience with vaccination and his dogs Buddy, Nicki, Moolah, Elle, Max, Ricki and Moses led Schwartz to question and examine the science, practice and public policy of pet vaccination, leading him to the conclusion that veterinary vaccination practices, evidently dangerous to pet health, are in actuality a huge cash stream to small-animal vet practices. In his book, Schwartz deconstructs the financial and legislative implications for our pets that, in most cases, function as family members.

Schwartz also founded the Next-To-Kin Foundation (, a private, not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization that believes that “dogs, cats and other pets so enrich our lives that we should recognize our pets/companion animals legally and even legislatively as ‘beyond mere property.’”

The book “Trust Me: I’m Not a Veterinarian!” is available at

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

‘Horse of Fire’: An Extraordinary Horse Describes His Life

Stories of the profound connection between horses and their owners have inspired countless animal lovers. A new book by Lisa Pruitt, “Horse of Fire” (published by AuthorHouse -, highlights this phenomenon in a unique way. In this heartfelt adventure, it is the author’s beloved horse, JJ Luck, who tells the story of his life and the close link to his human companion.

When JJ Luck was born, it was assumed by his humans that he would become a racing horse. With a lineage that included famous racers such as Sea Biscuit, racing was understood to be his destiny. However, at just three years old the fiery stallion was retired from racing and began waiting for the woman who would bring him to his true home. When Pruitt arrived to look at JJ for the first time, the horse was gaunt and lanky - yet there was an instant connection. Weeks later, when JJ was taken to Pruitt’s pasture, he galloped, rejoiced and understood that he was beginning the best part of his life so far. JJ Luck also named his owner - “Fire Horse.”

Through JJ’s eyes the readers gain a unique perspective into his life with his owner Fire Horse. From friendships with Pruitt’s other horses to experiences at three-day event competitions, JJ Luck describes his perspective on performing in natural horsemanship events. He also recounts the adventures he took with Fire Horse to Las Vegas and Denver, where they demonstrated natural horsemanship with an internationally recognized horseman. Finally, this special horse describes his work as a guide - a perfect fit for his intuitive nature and an outlet for sharing his gift with those who need it most.

The author weaves a heart-warming memoir of JJ Luck, an intelligent, gentle soul with a fiery spirit. “Horse of Fire” speaks to the human-animal connection and provides readers with insight into not only horses’ lives and their intuitive nature, but also the powerful story of one extraordinary horse and his exceptional owner.

About the Author: Lisa Pruitt received her Ph.D. from Brown University in 1993 and since that time has been a professor of mechanical engineering and bioengineering at the University of California at Berkeley. She works in the area of orthopedic devices and structural tissues. She has nearly 200 publications in her research field and received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring. Pruitt has loved horses all of her life and most recently immersed herself in the study of natural horsemanship and the use of horses in equine-guided education. She works with her own horses to help facilitate her mentoring practice. The author lives in Sonoma County, Calif. with her husband, daughter and two horses. “Horse of Fire” is her first book.

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